Safe Water in Education
Clear Water Filtration works closely with mechanical contractors throughout the state to ensure the water quality serving the critical mechanical infrastructure of your campus is fed the necessary water quality profile for optimal performance. From the cafeteria to the water fountain, it is important students are getting the safest and highest quality water possible. Great-tasting water helps promote better hydration, while bottle refill stations give students ease of access to great-tasting water. Help reduce plastic bottle waste and lower your operating costs in heating and hot water makeup.
Increasing Capacity to Serve More Children
Neck of the Woods, an early childhood education center in Waitsfield, VT wanted to be able to serve more families in their local community, so they have purchased a building to expand their services, which has come with renovation challenges and the requirement to become a Class III Public Water System. Jen and her team at Clear Water Filtration quickly acted to ensure all compliance requirements were met, so they could open their doors with confidence in their water supply.
Education Clients